Is it true that Google is taking Down All Websites Posted Before 1999? If you do not Renew the Website

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Redesigning can be a tedious task. It requires time, money, and effort. However, all of it is worth doing when done properly. A renewed website can improve rankings, conversion rates, and traffic. Moreover, with a redesigned website you can align it with your business’ vision.
Although, Google is not taking down sites that have not been renewed. However, the renewal of websites plays a pivotal role in keeping up pace with search engines. As search engines like Google frequently update or change their algorithms. Here is why you need to renew your website if you want to get traffic on your website.
Difficult to Read for Search Engines
An outdated website is difficult for search engines to read. Hence, it can have two consequences either the visitors don’t get a good experience or your website doesn’t come in search results. However, if your website is running on plugins it is very likely that they haven’t been updated in years.
Search Engine Optimization
Your outdated website is most probably not search engine optimized. Or it could be that your website has been built using templates. Renewing your website helps to improve a website’s architecture which makes it more receptive to search engine optimization. Also, a renewed website with an advanced content management system shall offer a more flexible website to use.
Optimization for Mobile Devices
The usage of mobile devices has risen to another level in the last decade. Moreover, the majority of site visitors visit from their mobile devices. That is why it is crucially important to have your website optimized for mobile devices. However, old websites are not optimized for mobile devices as the market was not proliferated with cellular devices back then.
Website Development Company Pakistan
You may not be getting desired traffic or losing visitors because your website is not responsive. Unlike older times visitors do not approach websites through a desktop only. However, people have started using iPhones, tablets, and mobile phones to make their searches. Therefore your Website Development Company Pakistan must be built on a responsive design.
- Improve Website Security
We live in an era where cyber security issues are increasing every day. Web Development Company in Lahore Pakistan built years ago are more prone to hacking and malware. The size of the business does not matter when it comes to security issues. As much as a small business is prone to viruses, a large business is too.
- Generate leads
By renewing your website you can allow your website to generate more leads. Give your visitors calls to action in appropriate ways and at suitable points to take upon every opportunity you get. Furthermore, an updated design ensures that graphics are in line with up-to-date designs.
- Web Development Company in Lahore Pakistan
Brands looking to create a consistent brand image throughout their website can renew their website. Therefore, all the pages on a website must show a consistent image of the brand. Imagine your visitor is on your home page, and from there directed to an entirely outdated page. Hence, making your visitors suspicious of malware.
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