
Is it True That Amazon is Retiring Alexa 1st May 2022?

alexa retire,
Alexa is retiring on May 1, 2022, No more Alexa ranking - Amazon shutting down website ranking service ☎️ +92 321 4191446

Do you know the Alexa SEO tool is retiring from 1st May 2022?

Alexa Internet is an offline internet tracking service that is basically helpful for web ranking services. This app is very familiar, it tracks how popular websites are by monitoring traffic as users roam. was acquired by Amazon in 1999. It has provided web traffic and global website quality for the past 25 years. This amazing service offers paid contributions to those interested people who want a detailed analysis of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

alexa retire

Amazon Alexa Tool is closing

Basically, Alexa estimates the traffic of the website by analyzing the website data from its global traffic panel. It detects the website which is a sample of internet users in millions with many different browser extensions. Also, it collects the data traffic from some specific resources, such as a website that has posted the Alexa retire text on their own websites.

The top-ranking websites by Alexa are,,,,, and, etc.

But the announcement from the Alexa team is that the company had stopped and did not provide new registrations on 8 December 2021. They would close this site on 1 May 2022.

However, the existing subscribers of Alexa will be able to access their accounts before shutting down. The company allows current subscribers to send the data to their accounts. Otherwise, Alexa retire on 1st May 2022 and the e-commerce company did not provide any reason to shut down the Alexa service.

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